Dumbledore’s Riddle, Round One

Editor’s note: These submissions by various authors offer punchlines for the joke, “A troll, a hag, and a leprechaun all go into a bar…”

The Easy Way Out

by Ella K. and Urzapw2001

A troll, a hag, and a leprechaun all go into a bar and the barman says: “What is this, a joke?”

Well, Obviously

by Alyssa

A troll, a hag, and a leprechaun walk into a bar. The troll ducks, the hag ducks, but the leprechaun falls flat on his face. Why? because you can’t walk through a bar!

by Marcus Aurelius

A troll, a hag, and a leprechaun all walk into a bar…you’d have thought one of them would have seen it!

by Lida

A troll, a hag, and a leprechaun walk into a bar. The troll says “ow,” the hag is knocked unconscious, and the leprechaun skips under untouched.

Almost there…

by James

A troll, a hag, and a leprechaun walk into a bar. The leprechaun was laughing, so the troll says to the leprechaun: “I guess you got lucky again, huh?” The leprechaun says, “No, I just looked at her!”


by Klove7

A troll, a hag, and a leprechaun all go into a bar. The troll sits down and orders a shot of firewhiskey and pays the bartender one galleon, then drinks it and slams the glass down. The hag orders a shot of firewhiskey, pays the bartender one galleon, then drinks it and slams the glass down. The leprechaun orders a shot of firewhiskey, pays the bartender one galleon, then drinks it, slams the glass down, and runs out the door. The troll and the hag run out after him, curious as to why he’s in such a hurry to leave. The Leprechaun replies, “I paid with Leprechaun Gold!”

by Daniela Teo

A troll, a hag, and a leprechaun all walk into a bar, determined not to pay for their drinks.
“I’ll show the bartender my club” grunts the troll and guffaws at his idea.
“Ha, muscle! Trickery is always the best,” says the leprechaun showing him his fool’s gold. As they stand there comparing their club and gold, the hag, saying nothing, removes her veil and gives a loud greeting and a big toothless smile to the bar’s patrons. At this, everyone, including the bartender, runs out screaming. The hag grabs herself a drink from the bar and sits down, looking scornfully at the troll and leprechaun.
“Power and riches! Ha! Leave it to a woman’s beauty…”