Twilight author Stephenie Meyer talks Potter

The author of the wildly popular Twilight series recently gave an interview to MTV News and spoke about the connection between her books and the Potter series. She also speaks about the fandoms for both:

“The interesting thing about the comparison is that I think you can compare my fans to her fans more easily [than me to her]. I do think that we both have people who are just really really enthusiastic, and will come miles to see you and be involved, and everybody really cares about our characters. But the [’Harry Potter’ and ‘Twilight’] stories are just so different.”

We here at MuggleNet are well aware that several of you are big Twilight fans (a few of you finally gave in after hearing about it on MuggleCast so much). It may interest you to know that I was on the set of the upcoming Twilight film two weeks ago and released my set report just last week for movie site