“Wall Street Journal” wonders “Who will conjure the next Harry Potter?”

The Wall Street Journal has a new article in its Friday Journal section, wondering what will fill the void left by Harry Potter.

Publishers and Hollywood studios are taking “big bets” on new authors and their potential for film adaptations. The focus of “Conjuring The Next Harry Potter” takes an in-depth look at The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern.

“Ms. Morgenstern’s novel, set at the turn of the 19th century, tells the story of two young, love-struck magicians who compete in a magical circus. Doubleday won the novel with a high-six-figure advance. Rights have sold to 30 foreign publishers; some countries paid six figures, a sum typically reserved for established blockbuster authors.”

The article makes no mention of Pottermore, which is certainly feeding Potter fans’ appetite – at least for the time being.

The better question may not be what can fill the void left by Potter, but is there really a void to begin with, and if so, can it be filled at all?