Six Moments When We Thought Ron Weasley Would Die

While reading or watching various fantasy novels or movies, one can see a pattern that the hero’s best friend is often welcoming and warm-hearted. But apart from being treated like the second best, the sidekick’s other plight is that they tend to sacrifice themselves so the protagonist can live on. The sidekick seems to be in the story to gather your love and affection – only to backstab you with their heartbreaking death.




Because Ron Weasley was Harry’s sidekick in the Potter series, I always imagined he would be killed to make a deeper impact on the readers. From the first book until the last, I always thought, “This is the one.” The moments I always thought Ron would die are listed below.


“Not me, Not Hermione, YOU!”



Assuming that Snape has found a way past Fluffy, the golden trio hurries down the third-floor corridor trap door to stop Snape from helping Voldemort. Making their way through various obstacles, they are perplexed by wizard chess. Ron, being a good sidekick, sacrifices himself so Harry can go on to save the world. I sincerely thought it was the end for Ron – but Madam Pomfrey is a good nurse and saves the day.


Attack of the Grim


Sirius drags Ron


In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, after the golden trio leaves Hagrid’s hut when the Ministry officials arrive, Scabbers flees from Ron’s hand. Sirius, in big black dog form, attacks the trio in the shade of the Whomping Willow to try to capture Scabbers. Seeing the Grim attacking, Ron – again the good sidekick – pushes Harry aside. The Grim gets hold of his leg and drags him into the tunnel beneath the Willow. At that point, I genuinely thought he was a goner, but again, Pomfrey saves the day. She definitely deserved a raise after Harry entered Hogwarts.


The Battle at the Ministry


Ministry Break book 5


In Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix, after Voldemort manipulates Harry with visions of Sirius being tortured in the Ministry, Harry and his friends set off for London to help Sirius. While reading the ensuing battle, I thought for sure somebody would die. While I do not hate Ron, I thought it would be him or Neville, the secondary sidekick. I was seriously shocked when it turned out to be Sirius who disappears through the veil and dies instead.


The Splinching Injury


Ron spliches


While escaping the Ministry of Magic in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Hermione Apparates with Ron and Harry to Grimmauld Place, but Yaxley catches hold of her. She immediately has to think of a new place to Apparate to shake him off the trail. In the process, Ron gets Splinched – a horrifying injury that causes him to lose a lot of blood. I again thought it was goodbye for Ron, but luckily, Hermione had Essence of Dittany in her bag.


Fire in the Room of Requirement

During the Battle of Hogwarts, as the trio ventures into the Room of Requirement to find Ravenclaw’s diadem, Draco and his sidekicks confront them. I thought Ron would die here saving Harry and Hermione when Crabbe lost control of the Fiendfyre he conjured and set the room ablaze. But it’s Draco’s sidekick Crabbe who ends up dying in the skirmish instead.


Nagini vs. Ron and Hermione




During the final moments of the Battle of Hogwarts – at least in the movie – Ron and Hermione set off to kill the last Horcrux, Nagini. There’s a moment where Ron and Hermione embrace each other as Nagini hovers over them mid-strike. It was the point I thought filmmakers might deviate from the books and kill off Ron. But it’s all just to build the tension – at the last moment, Neville chops off Nagini’s head.


In the end, neither a dog nor a snake could kill Ron. Despite all the attacks and threats throughout the series, Ron continued to live. As a matter of fact, I think he should be named the new “Boy Who Lived.”


My mind is like a box of candies from honeydukes, a colorful combination of different tastes. Writing about Harry Potter is a ticket to platform nine and three quarters for any Harry Potter fan. I wish to write about each alley and every wand of this universe.