Wiken Magazine visits Half-Blood Prince set

Our friends at DanRadcliffe.com have a new set report online from a Chilean magazine called Wiken. In it, they talk with Dan Radcliffe and speak about several different aspects of Leavesden Studios (where all the Potter films are shot). Of interest to those clamoring for new Half-Blood Prince news, they talk about Horace Slughorn's Christmas party:

Wikén witnessed a scene during a filming day. In it, the new Potions Master of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Horace Slughorn (played by the British actor Jim Broadbent, known by supporting roles in classic movies such as “Brazil and “Richard the Third”), celebrates a Christmas party in his room for a selected group of students. Slughorn walks from one group to another chatting with his guests, trying to gain his favourite students' favour.

After a second take, the filming team watches the repetition of this scene through some monitors. As the director David Yates leaves the place, he gives some additional instructions. A few meters away, actors and actresses of other scenes wait very focused, seated in white plastic chairs outside the set where scenes are being filmed.

You can read the full translation of the article right here.