Ask Emma a question about Fair Trade Fashion

It was announced in September that Emma Watson would be working on a new fashion line with People Tree which'll be available in February 2010. Emma will be working as a creative advisor.

To mark the news, People Tree is offering an opportunity for fans to ask Emma a question about her association with Fair Trade Fashion:

Are you eager to know why she thinks it's so important? Why she's so excited about using fashion as a tool to help reduce poverty? Maybe you are wondering why she chose to work with People Tree or what benefits she thinks sustainable fashion can bring? Or perhaps you just want to ask her why young people should care about where their clothes come from at all?

If you would like to ask Emma a question about Fair Trade and sustainable fashion simply film yourself asking your question and email the MPEG to

Emma will be answering the questions via video. Please have your questions submitted by January 17th! For more information, click here.

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