Fan Focus: Lilly – August 9, 2015

10-year-old Hufflepuff Lilly from Florida, USA
How did you become a Harry Potter fan?
My [g]randmother gave me Harry Potter and the [Sorcer]er’s Stone last year. I have read the whole series, and loved it! I have been to the Universal Studios Wizarding World of Harry Potter many times and love Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley! My parents made a deal with me that if I get straight A’s I get a Harry Potter bedroom. I LOVE IT SO SO MUCH! I wish that Harry Potter and Hogwarts [were] real. I am hoping that when I am 11 I will get my Hogwarts letter and go there!
What would your Patronus be and why?
A stag because I have heard that they are proud and strong.
If you could have one prop from the set of the films, which would it be?
The [G]olden [S]nitch because I really want to be a Quidditch player.
Describe what being part of the Harry Potter fandom has meant to you in seven words or less.
Awesome. Adventurous. Funny. Wonderful. Fun. Lovely. Happiness.