Getting to know someone you like more

Dear Ron,

How can I get to know a witch that I like better?

An Inquisitive Gryffindor

Dear Gryffindor,

Getting to know someone you like is a scary thing. What if you say something wrong? What if they like your best friend more than you? What if they support the Tornados?

A lot of things go through your head, and it sometimes gets so muddled that you can’t even get a proper sentence out. And that’s not good. But don’t put pressure on yourself; time is your friend. If you make time to spend with someone, maybe find something to do that you both enjoy, then you can get to know each other. And try to get a spot next to her at the Quidditch matches – cheering with someone is a great way make a friendship. Even *if* they support the Tornados.

Good luck, mate!