Emma Watson Is Very Busy Promoting “Beauty and the Beast”
While we’ve done our best to keep you up-to-date on all things Beauty and the Beast, the film’s looming release date (March 17!) means that star Emma Watson and the rest of the cast are so busy promoting the movie that we can barely keep up! But never fear – we’ve collected all the latest updates into one magnificent post.
First off, Watson has set up a special Instagram account just for tracking her press tour looks. Since, in addition to being an actress and activist, Emma is also a fashion icon, we recommend checking it out!
While we’re on the topic of fashion, you might want to check out these pictures from the film’s London premiere. Click the link to see the full gallery, or just revel in the glory of our two favorite Emmas (and our third-favorite Dan) in the images below.
What’s that, you say? You want still more time to gaze upon the glorious visages of actresses named Emma? Well, you’re in luck – Vanity Fair has got you covered.

Emma Watson at the London Launch Event of “Beauty and the Beast”. (Photographed by Charlie Gray)

Emma Thompson at the London Launch Event of “Beauty and the Beast”. (Photographed by Charlie Gray)
If you’re looking for more substantial updates on the film itself, you may want to check out this full-length French press conference:
If you’re only looking for Emma’s answers, she speaks at 2:39-3:53, 8:05-9:02, 9:16-9:46, 10:59-11:50, 13:26-14:13, 17:38-18:03, 18:28-19:02, 21:16-23:01, 23:13-24:48, 33:27-34:33, and 35:02-36:35.
Finally, we have two more videos from an interview we posted about a few days ago.
In the first, Emma discusses how she wanted Belle’s backstory fleshed out more than it had been in the animated film. In the new version, Belle is an inventor – a role that had belonged to her father in the original movie.
In the second, Watson is talking about one of her favorite topics – feminism! In particular, she’s discussing why some men have trouble with the term.
That’s everything Beauty and the Beast-related we’ve got for now – keep an eye out for another roundup post as the press tour continues!