Category: Spinner’s End

A Profitable Line of Inquiry

A Profitable Line of Inquiry

by Lady Lupin JKR: I see him [Dumbledore] primarily as someone who would be self-taught. However, he, in his time, had access to superb teachers at Hogwarts, so he was educated in the same...

The Hogwarts Faculty Roster

The Hogwarts Faculty Roster

by Lady Lupin With the sudden passing of Dumbledore, and Snape’s late night escape after the dastardly deed, it strikes me that there is much turmoil among the faculty of Hogwarts. The new faculty...

Black, Albus…Rubeus?

Black, Albus…Rubeus?

by Lady Lupin Alchemy and the Harry Potter series are so deeply intertwined that new insights on the theme float around cyberspace on an almost daily basis. Many writers before me have highlighted pertinent...

Seeking the Golden Snitch

Seeking the Golden Snitch

by Lady Lupin Since the first four HP books had already been published before I began reading the series, I was keyed into the fact that I was embarking on a classic hero journey...

Homorphus Hopes

Homorphus Hopes

by Lady Lupin As should be quite clear from my moniker, I am a Remus Lupin fan. In fact, I would go so far as to say that, if Remus Lupin were a real...

Jo’s Woman, Through and Through

Jo’s Woman, Through and Through

by Lady Lupin The recent release of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince has made me contemplate what a truly inspirational woman JK Rowling is. I am not a small child nor even a...

Horcruxes and the Tarot

Horcruxes and the Tarot

by Lady Lupin Immediately upon reading HBP, I noticed something that hadn’t really leapt out at me in the previous HP books: references to the Tarot. I am not an expert on the Tarot,...

Severus Severed?

Severus Severed?

by Lady Lupin I have decided to weigh in on The Snape Question, which we’ll all be consideringad infinitum for the next two years. I believe an argument can be made for either Good...

Lily Evans: Potions Maven?

Lily Evans: Potions Maven?

by Lady Lupin It was striking how often in HBP we were told that Lily Evans Potter was highly gifted at Potions. As far as I recall, this talent was never mentioned in previous books....