| Since 1999

The Magic Quill #29: Night Owls By Daylight

“’But first,’” said the wizard known as Harvey, speaking through the handkerchief that covered half of his face, ‘“it is time that you knew a little about the people you may be working with.”’

The figures seated around the back parlor table stirred uneasily. Everyone seemed to prefer staying anonymous.

A Big Reflection

by Alysun S.  What is a spell? It’s a magic light. What happens when light bounces off a mirror? It goes back to where it came from. In all five Harry Potter books we’ve seen four...

Death in Half-Blood Prince

by Esther Kleinig I’ve been quite disappointed recently – I’ve yet to find a rational analysis of who might die in HBP. (I missed out on the theories before OotP and I don’t want...


by Jennifer Oakley In CoS we first see how Voldemort’s name was fashioned from Tom Riddle’s but I don’t believe we’ve paid enough attention to the significance of this chosen name. I’m not talking...

Here Comes Ginny…

by Katherine D.  Note: In this editorial I would like to discuss Ginny’s role as a fighting figure. It is not about a “Harry – Ginny ship” as there already exists an excellent editorial on...