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Half Blood Prince book covers

The HBP Release Date: It’s Closer Than You Think!

by Alex UPDATE: As recently announced by JKR herself, HBP will be released at midnight July 16, 2005. Great job, Alex! The one question that every Harry Potter fan wants answered–besides the identity of the Half-Blood Prince–is,...

The Magic Quill #29: Night Owls By Daylight

“’But first,’” said the wizard known as Harvey, speaking through the handkerchief that covered half of his face, ‘“it is time that you knew a little about the people you may be working with.”’

The figures seated around the back parlor table stirred uneasily. Everyone seemed to prefer staying anonymous.

A Big Reflection

by Alysun S.  What is a spell? It’s a magic light. What happens when light bounces off a mirror? It goes back to where it came from. In all five Harry Potter books we’ve seen four...

Death in Half-Blood Prince

by Esther Kleinig I’ve been quite disappointed recently – I’ve yet to find a rational analysis of who might die in HBP. (I missed out on the theories before OotP and I don’t want...


by Jennifer Oakley In CoS we first see how Voldemort’s name was fashioned from Tom Riddle’s but I don’t believe we’ve paid enough attention to the significance of this chosen name. I’m not talking...

Here Comes Ginny…

by Katherine D.  Note: In this editorial I would like to discuss Ginny’s role as a fighting figure. It is not about a “Harry – Ginny ship” as there already exists an excellent editorial on...