1038 Search results

For the term "Lily".

The Blooming of the Lily

by Aluna Surely thine hour has come, thy great wind blows, Far-off, most secret, and inviolate Rose? -W.B. Yeats, “The Secret Rose” Michelangelo’s David is the presiding genius of Florence… So young: sixteen, they say…....

Lily Evans: Potions Maven?

Lily Evans: Potions Maven?

by Lady Lupin It was striking how often in HBP we were told that Lily Evans Potter was highly gifted at Potions. As far as I recall, this talent was never mentioned in previous books....

James and Lily’s Professions

by Amy James’ and Lily’s professions have been concealed for the first 5 books, yet we know that they will be a significant part in the series, as J.K. herself has mentioned. We know...

Lily and the Homorphus Charm

by Sarah Lou I was rereading Chamber of Secrets randomly and I stopped on Chapter Ten: “The Rogue Bludger.” I flipped to the first page, read it and then when I hit the second page I...

Lily Evans, a Weasley?

by Liz Naishtut Editor’s note: JK Rowling reveals in one of her interviews that Mrs. Weasley’s maiden name is Prewett. The editorial still makes excellent points based on other evidence and theory. Just a warning, this...