25 “Harry Potter” Characters and Their Cards Against Humanity Counterparts
It’s the game that comes out at almost every late-night gathering. Cards Against Humanity is, at this point in time, simultaneously everyone’s most and least favorite party game. The expansion packs are endless – there’s even an actual Harry Potter version floating around in the universe.
Seeing as many of the cards in the original deck are highly descriptive and highly unique, I felt that they applied well to certain highly unique characters that have taken up permanent residence in my consciousness during these past 19 or so years. This is “The One in Which I Match Our Beloved Potter Characters to Inappropriate Playing Cards.” Please enjoy the results.
Warning: The Cards Against Humanity deck uses profane language and concepts. Proceed with caution.
Author’s note: I did not invent any of these cards. They all exist in the deck. Some of them just fit that eerily well.
1. Dolores Umbridge
2. Albus Dumbledore
3. Vernon Dursley
4. Gilderoy Lockhart
5. Severus Snape
6. Peeves
7. Mundungus Fletcher
8. Percy Weasley
9. Cornelius Fudge
10. Ginny Weasley
11. Kingsley Shacklebolt
12. Tom Riddle/Lord Voldemort
13. Peter Pettigrew
14. Dobby
15. Petunia Dursley
16. Fred Weasley
17. Nearly Headless Nick
18. Bellatrix Lestrange
19. Oliver Wood
20. Professor Binns
21. Arthur Weasley
22. Luna Lovegood
23. Sybill Trelawney
24. Zacharias Smith