Warwick Davis Talks “Harry Potter” on TalkRADIO

Warwick Davis on the set of talkRADIO.
Warwick Davis joined Paul Ross for an interview with talkRADIO in honor of the 20th anniversary of the release of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. While Davis is keeping busy with roles in the Star Wars universe, documentaries, and musicals, Harry Potter clearly still holds many fond memories for him. In the interview, Davis and Ross discuss the process of making the beloved film series, the contrast between Davis’s two roles as the beloved Professor Filius Flitwick and the menacing Griphook, and his storied career in Harry Potter and other film franchises. The two discuss some of Davis’s most famous roles and the differences between the many characters he has brought to life on-screen.
Davis describes the complexity of the process of translating Harry Potter to the screen and the sense of responsibility he felt to be true to Rowling’s book series and its fans when making the movies:
It’s very particular looking at the book, reading what J.K. Rowling had written, looking at the script, and interpreting that as closely as I could to what I imagined everyone would think this character would be like. And judging by the reaction of the fans, we managed to pull it off.
We think most fans will agree that Davis was successful in creating faithful film versions of his characters!
Davis also muses about the ongoing effect of Harry Potter on generations of readers:
It’s done wonderful things for children’s literacy. It’s got kids, and adults as well – we mustn’t forget these aren’t really just specifically books for kids, they’re successful books for anybody – and so I think it’s done a lot for literacy in schools and got children thinking and creating stories, and inflamed their imaginations, which is what it’s all about, isn’t it?
Indeed it is. We are just as pleased as Davis to see that the legacy of Harry Potter remains strong 20 years after its publication and that it continues to be passed on to new generations of readers and viewers.
Listen to the full interview below for more about Filius Flitwick, Griphook, and more!
What are your favorite Warwick Davis moments, in the films or otherwise? Tell us about them in the comments!