| Since 1999

“Potter” filming locations are top choice among tourists traveling within the UK

From Platform 9 3/4, to the Great Hall, to Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom, the locations of the Harry Potter films have become celebrities in their own rights, complete with screaming fans and insane queues. Not surprisingly, Yahoo! Movies reports that Harry Potter tours for visitors rank at the top of the UK’s popular attractions.

MuggleNet Visits “Wand Week” at Warner Bros. Studio Tour London – The Making of Harry Potter

From February 16 to the 24, Warner Bros. Studio Tour London – The Making of Harry Potter is having ‘Wand Week,’ a complete celebration of wands; from how they are made, to the elaborate choreography that makes wand duels look natural & oh so impressive. Our resident witch, Rosie Morris, was in the middle of the action.

Warwick Davis reflects on dwarfism and involvement with Little People UK

For many years Warwick Davis – the actor who played Professor Flitwick and Griphook in the Harry Potter films – has been an advocate for dwarfism and helping children and families who have had similar troubles to his own. As a matter of fact, he co-founded the organization Little People UK.