Tagged: houses

Hogwarts and Ilvermorny: Why the House Divide?

Too often do I hear surprise in someone’s voice when I announce proudly that I’m a Hufflepuff. This is usually met with a response of “I’m sorry.” Or when I mention that one of my friends got Sorted into Slytherin, I usually hear surprise at the fact that a Hufflepuff and a Slytherin could ever get along.

The Meaning Behind the Animals of Hogwarts Houses: The Hufflepuff Badger

Each of the Hogwarts Houses is associated with an animal emblem along with its colors. While the similarity between Gryffindor’s values and the bravery of lions is one of the more obvious connections when it comes to these mascots, I wanted to explore how all of the Houses’ traits are represented through the emblems they were assigned. I’ve already posted my research about Gryffindor’s lion and Ravenclaw’s eagle, so up next is Hufflepuff’s badger. I myself am a good old loyal Hufflepuff, so I will try to refrain from writing a novel about this fantastic house and its mighty badger.