Play “Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery” with Pride
June has come and gone, and events are ramping up for July in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. Before the month ended, the game gave players quite a few free gifts. We hope you’ve been spending your free energy catching up on the latest chapter and working to get the new outfit for Magical Milestones.
Speaking of which, how amazing and adorable was the free Pride outfit we were gifted? Not only did we get to deck our dorm rooms out in rainbows, but our characters also got an outfit paired with a fun hairstyle to help us sport our Pride all year long.

Pride outfit that was gifted in-game for “Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery”
With the free energy gift from a few days ago, it’s the perfect opportunity to attend as many classes as possible to earn the July Magical Milestones: Summer Sweetness outfit. This soft-colored outfit seems perfect and dreamy for any summer occasion – there’s still time to get started on earning it. Who wouldn’t want to roam the halls of Hogwarts looking like royalty?

July Magical Milestones: Summer Sweetness outfit
What’s the use of a great outfit if we don’t have someone new to impress? Luckily for us, Andre’s cousin Jules has decided to visit Hogsmeade, and our characters are the perfect choice to help out with giving her a tour. When the group is ready to enjoy a butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks, we’re informed that all of Madam Rosmerta’s butterscotch has been stolen. Like any good Curse-Breaker, we quickly take on the role of solving the mystery so Jules can try her first butterbeer, and the culprit might surprise you.
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Maybe your character wants to continue to build up their friendship with Andre after making a good impression on Jules. You can head over to the Sphinx Club and take new quizzes with him and Penny to gain XP and test your knowledge.
There are so many adventures going on and other quests that we sometimes forget our characters are in their seventh year and doing work at the Ministry trying to prepare for life after Hogwarts. After the last few chapters that have had us continuing to solve mysteries and take on dangerous tasks, it’s time for us to keep up the same work. After some thorough investigating, who do you think the thief could be?
There’s definitely no shortage of tasks and adventures to complete in Hogwarts Mystery. Whether you’re still contemplating your magical career or trying to make sure all mysteries are solved, what are you looking forward to most in-game within the next few months? Let us know!