| Since 1999

The Magic Quill #24: The Interview

“Well, since you’’ve seen my face now, I might as well show you this,” said Spanky, pulling a dog-eared magazine out of his cloak. It was a very old issue of Broom and Wand, with the caption “Who Will Laugh Last?” and a picture of two angry young wizards brandishing wands at each other. One of them was Spanky. The other was…

“Hey, I know him,” Merlin exclaimed. “Why, he’’s–“

Hagrid the Insensitive

by John Gilberotoes Throughout my reading of the Harry Potter series I have come to the conclusion that Hagrid, not Voldemort, is the biggest risk to Harry’’s health. Now I know you’re all saying, “Hagrid!?! Hagrid?!?...

The Future of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team

By R A Spottiswood “”Hermione, you’’re good on feelings and stuff, but you just don’t understand about Quidditch.”” ““Maybe not, but at least my happiness doesn’’t depend on Ron’’s goalkeeping ability.” — Harry and...

The Triwizard Map

by Anne “Book Four’s a very very VERY important book. Something very important happens in Book Four. But also, it’s literally a central book. It’s almost the heart of the series, and it’s pivotal.”...

The Magic Quill #23: Team Dueling

“The next event in which I faced Shmedly,” said the cloaked wizard after a long, thoughtful sip of firewhisky, “was the Owlympic Team Duel. The Romanian team met ours in the semifinal, and the match was delayed because the judges wanted to make sure our spells wouldn’t break through the magic circle around the combatants, as mine had in the final of the Relay event.