| Since 1999

The Triwizard Map

by Anne “Book Four’s a very very VERY important book. Something very important happens in Book Four. But also, it’s literally a central book. It’s almost the heart of the series, and it’s pivotal.”...

The Magic Quill #23: Team Dueling

“The next event in which I faced Shmedly,” said the cloaked wizard after a long, thoughtful sip of firewhisky, “was the Owlympic Team Duel. The Romanian team met ours in the semifinal, and the match was delayed because the judges wanted to make sure our spells wouldn’t break through the magic circle around the combatants, as mine had in the final of the Relay event.

Neville: Thunder Stealer

by Danielle Menillo This editorial is not so much a response to the editorial by Peregrin entitled, “The Other” — The Third Person in the Prophecy, but rather an opinion concerning a different third person...

Crazy Caption Contest Main Image

CC #102: Week of October 3, 2004

In this week’s Caption Contest image, McGonagall checks Hogsmeade permission slips in the courtyard. Read all of the winning captions for this week’s contest now!