833 Search results

For the term "dursley".

Are Draco Malfoy and Dudley Dursley Parallel Characters?

In terms of wealth, magical ability, and body type, Draco Malfoy and Dudley Dursley couldn’t be more different. And yet in many ways these two characters are very similar. In fact, a connection is fostered between the two of them in the series when Harry first meets Draco.

In Defense of the Dursleys

by Abbii Summary: One of the most hotly debated issues among the Potter fandom is the role and character of Severus Snape, a man who treated Harry abysmally for six years, only to be...

Quibble of the Week: “In Defense of the Dursleys”

Quibble of the Week: “In Defense of the Dursleys”

Our next Quibble of the Week comes from Abbii, and like many other essays we’ve featured on the main page recently, this one also deals with character redemption. Now, it’s a fact that the Dursleys mistreated Harry in his early years, as well as the summers he was away from Hogwarts. But have we, as fans of the boy wizard, judged these misinformed Muggles too harshly?

Harry Melling on life after Dudley Dursley

Harry Melling on life after Dudley Dursley

Harry Melling–the actor who plays Dudley Dursley–discussed his recent weight loss and his career in an interview with the Telegraph. On returning to the set of Deathly Hallows after his weight loss, Melling no...