10 Responses

  1. No dobby W says:

    You took down the original Pottermore site, without giving proper notice. Money, is your god, and the faithful readers came in last. They have every right to be upset. Rowling promised that site as a gift to her readers. She failed. Pottermore is another failure, but keep asking readers for their money, right? Enough said. -Never fooled by Rowling.

  2. Runi63 says:

    Still gonna say… Site’s rubbish. The site’s been mishandled badly, and out of curiosity, checking the glassdoor reviews… its’ not pleasant.

  3. Helen says:

    Pottermore has never actually asked us what we want from the site, so im wondering how they got all this “consumer information.”

    If they would only ask us what we would like from the site, i feel they would get true and honest answers, but it doesnt match with what they want, so they wont do it.

    • Runi63 says:

      To be fair… they did surveys a few times. I did one of them myself. And in a warped way, they “solved” issues people complained about. Like the role-play that got a bit smutty, they solved that by… axing off all of commenting. Then they fix cheating by…. removing all competitive features.

      Giving them the best thoughts, they’re like Dobby in Chamber of Secrets. They SO want to help and be liked and do what they think is right. But they’re thick and they end up “helping” by making life more difficult and inflicting pain. With bludgers.

      Making it worse is, like Dobby, they don’t really tell us why or what’s going on.

  4. Tommy B. says:

    The old Pottermore needed improving, but this wasn’t it ….

  5. Meg H says:

    As a young adult female who grew up with the books, I can safely say that the new Pottermore is NOT what I wanted. The ideas Jurevics describe are not about imagination. They are about profit. This is a consumerist exploitation of the deep love for Harry Potter that so many of us hold in our hearts.
    “We use the correspondents to spotlight the products of our partner companies and fellow publishers.” “This is a prime example of us using digital technology to help develop a stronger relationship with the consumer.” “Pottermore is now, for the first time, working with other retailers to be more open and offer greater consumer access to Harry Potter e-books and audiobooks.” “We’re working to secure more retail partnerships.”
    Other than the blatantly consumerist attitude that is in direct contrast to Pottermore’s original mission to bring free content to all who love Harry Potter, Jurevics’s statements also perpetuate a painful bias that “young, adult female” audiences are not interested in the “gameified” roleplay aspects. Yet I know far more female users of Pottermore than male, and far more female gamers than male. It is very sad that Pottermore, which did not used to care how old you were or what your gender was, but only how brave, intelligent, hard-working or ambitious you were, has jumped on this stereotyping bandwagon.

  6. Shinka95 says:

    I think it’s a stupid idea!
    For a start, the exploring and roleplaying elements were the big attractors to the site. There was a thriving roleplay community there. What a stupid mistake. I’m frankly annoyed that my account (collectables, wand, potions ingredients, badges, everything I earned on there) is now gone and the website now just looks like some boring corporate blog.

  7. jyjytjuy says:

    sorry Susan but you haven’t the slightest idea about what you are doing or even about what people want from pottermore.

  8. Ruthie says:

    I am a young adult female who grew up with the Harry Potter books, and I agree with the other comments here. The roleplaying game aspect of Pottermore was exactly what I wanted to see expanded, not thrown out. I was extremely frustrated when I lost everything attached to my account and found a big boring blog instead. I haven’t been on Pottermore in months because there’s nothing interesting to me there anymore. I agree especially with Helen: maybe you should actually ASK us consumers what it is we want from Pottermore, rather than doing a huge (ugly!) overhaul based on what you perceive to be the greatest potential profit.

  9. Elizabeth Crosman says:

    I’m older and my daughters are slightly younger than the demographic they mention. All 3 of us would at least like to have the story read through/interaction back, even if we didn’t do potions and duels. My 19 and 17 year olds got back on to find out their patronas and were disappointed that the story was gone. I don’t see why they can’t coexist.