366 Search results

For the term "TriWizard Tournament".

What Else Might the Triwizard Riddles Be Telling Us?

J.K. Rowling likes to hide clues in unusual ways, and one of the most cryptic ways to hide a clue is to embed it in another clue. While the Sorcerer’s Stone riddle has received a fair amount of conversation, the sphinx’s riddle and the merpeople’s riddle in “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” have received much less talk, yet they seem to function in a similar way to the Sorcerer’s Stone riddle.

Close-up on the spines of Harry Potter books

The Two-Way Mirror #10: The Triwizard Tasks and the Seven Books

Seven tunnels of tasks, like seven books of tasks. In “Goblet”, we actually have a network of tunnels, the square maze, so much like a chessboard of tasks. And we have the two grand tournaments (like the two matrix groups of elements): one tournament is Quidditch (in which the players seem to be the most important part); the other is the Triwizard Tournament (here, the tasks are important).