26 Search results

For the term "divergent".

Movie Review: “The Fault in Our Stars”

I guess for those of you (are there even any?) who haven’t read the book, I should give a quick overview. Hazel Grace Lancaster, the teenage narrator, meets Augustus Waters at a cancer support group. He’s in remission, she’s stable but has an uncertain future, and they’re both tired of cancer clichés. They fall in love…

The Melting Cauldron: How America Teaches Magic

“Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” gave us a tiny glimpse into the magical world outside of Hogwarts and British wizarding communities. We got informed impressions of Europe’s other wizarding schools—Beauxbatons and Durmstrang—as well as glimpses of other pockets of wizarding society at the Quidditch World Cup, notably the Salem Witches’ Institute.

Telling Stories

by Tom Morey I am not personally acquainted with anyone who has never told a lie. When asked to write on the subject “My First Lie, and How I Got Out of It”, Mark...