1090 Search results

For the term "ravenclaw".

Studious Ravenclaw

Professor Flitwick,

I thoroughly enjoy your Charms class, and I wish to expand my knowledge on the subject. Can you recommend any extra reading or useful charms not taught in class? I cannot wait to further my knowledge on this subject.

Thank you in advance,

A Studious Ravenclaw

Proud Ravenclaw

Dear Professor Flitwick,

I have always fancied you’re house, Ravenclaw. I feel like the sorting hat would place me there. I believe in loyalty, and I will devote myself to everyone that is apart of my life. I have a great talent in poetry, do you think I would be able to inspire others? I desire to make a difference at Hogwarts, and I want to be remembered as noble and honest person. With everything going on in our world today, do you think I would make it under you’re care? Will I be a good leader and show compassion to others such as Cho and Luna did? I just know somehow deep down I am a true and proud Ravenclaw!

I’d love to hear back from you Professor, hopefully soon!!


Proud Ravenclaw

Regretful Ravenclaw

Dear Professor Snape,

I recently attended an event where I had to deliver a speech, and I was terrified. A muggle-born friend of mine insisted that all I really needed was, “Dutch courage” and that I had to, “Imagine the audience naked.”

After three double Firewhiskeys I prepared to grace the stage, whilst clutching my wand in my hand for dear life. The good news is I managed half of my prepared speech without a hiccup. The bad news? I wordlessly banished the clothes of every audience member in the auditorium.

What would you suggest I do to overcome my crippling, and frankly criminal stage fright? I’ve been threatened with a stint in Azkaban for indecent exposure, unless I can publicly apologize to the entire Wizarding Community for my recent transgressions.

Ravenclaw Scarf

Ravenclaw Traits

Dear Professor Flitwick,

I’ve always thought of myself as a Ravenclaw, but recently I’ve been wondering: What traits are valued in Ravenclaw besides for intelligence? Does one need to do well in school to be a Ravenclaw? Or can they just be creative and inquisitive?

Thanks so much,


Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw

Dear Professor Sprout,

I’ve been asked into Hogsmeade by two boys. One is a strong, handsome Gryffindor, the other a witty and intelligent Ravenclaw. I like them both, so who should I choose?