| Since 1999

Fan Art of the Week: Pensive Harry

Our featured Fan Art submission this week comes courtesy of Jackie. It’s a pen drawing of the boy wizard himself, looking rather pensive as he stares off into space. Though the piece was created with what looks like rapid, loose strokes of the pen, the artist still produced a very detailed and accurate portrait of movie-Harry.

Is Hagrid Prejudiced?

By maurauders-legacy Hagrid is one of the most popular characters in Harry Potter. He is one of the few fans don’t have the heart to criticize – something about his warm personality, his ignorant...

Hufflepuff, the Best House of Them All

by Allison Klein (AKA Sailor Rallison) Abstract: A defense of Hufflepuff, showing that its members are not as average or inferior as many might think. I have never heard one of my friends say...